Message from our Managing Partner
Thank you for your interest in our institute, where we work to advance and promote the art and science of inclusive leadership.
I started to elaborate the notion of inclusive leadership in the late 1990s when working with IBM to ensure diversity and inclusion (D&I) work would resonate across the cultural context of its global matrix organisation. This work was recognized by ATD (then ASTD) and since then, the term has been increasingly adopted - usually in close association with a focus on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. I have watched this evolution with mixed feelings. On one hand, it validated the discovery of contexting DE&I work differently and associating it with leadership; on the other, I found the association with narrowly defined Diversity to dilute its potential power and value to organisations that are increasingly challenged to respond to complex, unpredictable, and highly dynamic conditions.

Over the 25 years since my experience with IBM, I have become increasingly convinced that Inclusive Leadership deserves to be a leadership paradigm in its own right that needs to be simultaneously anchored by a broad framing of diversity, equity, and inclusiveness AND the transformational leadership paradigm. It is this combination amidst our current challenges that gives Inclusive Leadership its particular relevance. After all, at every level of organisation, we are faced with complex challenges to generate cultural and relational innovations that secure human sustainability and adapt to the growing social, societal, economic, and technological pressures. Connecting these proverbial dots through a framework of individual, collective, and organisational action, drives much of the Institute's activities.
Through research, learning, coaching, consulting services, as well as our publications and events, we develop and connect distinct communities of practice that enable human thriving through the shared ethos of inclusive leadership. In this pursuit we are not afraid to tackle forgotten, under-estimated, contentious, and/or divisive issues. I am encouraged by the positive response, validation, and support of our work. The breadth and depth of our faculty and their spirit of openness to co-generating innovative, and context-sensitive approaches.
Warmest Regards,
Jörg Schmitz

Ust-Id Nummer:
Joerg Thomas Schmitz
Kommodore-Johnsen-Boulevard 26
28217 Bremen – Überseestadt
+49 1520 8612287
DE 339418563
Joerg Schmitz
Company Information
The Inclusive Leadership Institute
Inhaber/Owner: Joerg Schmitz
Kommodore-Johnsen-Boulevard 26
28217 Bremen / Germany
Betriebsnummer / Company Nr.: 83841216
UST-IdNr. / VAT ID: DE 339418563